On Sunday morning, the tomb was empty. Jesus conquered death and rose again, as joy emerged from the darkness. Through his death, Jesus provided an even greater reason to rejoice than anyone could have imagined. The crowd wanted immediate relief from the darkness of their troubles, and Jesus offered something greater that would last forever.

In Jesus, any struggle we face becomes a temporary night with a beautiful dawn already on the horizon because of the eternal joy and hope we have in the risen Jesus. See for yourself.

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Passion Week, a time when we remember Jesus’ suffering, death on the cross, and resurrection. On Palm Sunday, we celebrate Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem because the events that would take place there would fulfill his intended purpose and reveal Jesus as our resurrected King who conquered death.

Kids and Youth ministry will be available from the nursery through High School at both services.

Passover is a Jewish festival celebrating the exodus from Egypt and the Israelites’ freedom from slavery to the Egyptians. Passover has great significance for Christians too, as Jesus gave each part of the Passover meal new meaning to explain the events of Good Friday and Easter, when his sacrificial death would save all who believe in it from slavery to death.

Our Wednesday night service will be a space for an extended time of worship and a devotion from God’s word that will prepare our hearts for Easter and unpack the significance of Passover. Kids and Youth ministry will be available from the nursery through High School.

Good Friday is a time to remember the brutal pain of Jesus’ sacrificial death for all of us, a day that can be called “good” because even though we don’t deserve God’s grace extended through Jesus, he died for us anyway. 

This mid-day service will be about an hour long. Kids ministry will be available for kids in 3rd grade and under.

On Easter Sunday, we celebrate the risen Jesus, who conquered the grave and rose victorious over death, just as he promised. We celebrate Jesus’ resurrection because he is our living hope, who has made a way for anyone who believes in him as their Savior to enjoy eternal life with God after this life is over. 

Our sunrise service at 6AM and our 10AM service will be outdoors in our parking lot, and services will be about an hour long. 

Kids ministry will be available at our 10AM service for kids in 3rd grade and under, though we encourage families to sit together. 

Water baptism will also be available for anyone who feels prompted to make a public commitment to Jesus. 

Get Baptized

Baptism is an important public declaration of personal faith in Jesus.

Baptisms will take place at the end of the 10am gathering on Easter Sunday, 4/9.

If you're interested in taking this next step in your walk with Jesus, please register so we can connect with you and talk through details.

Serve on Easter Weekend

Serving is a powerful way to express your love for God as you love and serve others. If you would like to serve on Easter Sunday and help us host our 6am or 10am services, you can register online using the button below. We have opportunities available at different times on Saturday and Sunday, and we’d love to have you as a part of our team.