Throughout the Bible, God promised the advent, or arrival of His Son, Jesus. This event altered human history forever, as the God of the universe became human, lived among us, and suffered on our behalf in order to give us eternal life with Him. With this in mind, the 4 weeks of Advent are a time when we remember Jesus’ first coming while also looking forward to His return.

The goodness in the good news of the Christmas season is that God has drawn near to us and revealed himself in the glorious face of Jesus, who lived among us and died for us, so that we can be brought back into right relationship with Him.

In Jesus, God removed every obstacle and closed the distance that separated us from Him, so that you might know him, feel His embrace, be transformed by Him, and enjoy being in His presence forever.

It’s in relationship with God that we discover unshakeable hope, unending peace, unspeakable joy and unconditional love in every circumstance, as we look forward to a glorious future with Him.

We invite you to join us for our weekly gatherings as we celebrate the Good News about Jesus and discover the life-changing hope, peace, joy and love found only in him.


“Good News of Unshakeable Hope”

Sunday, 12/3

9 & 11AM


“Good News of Unending Peace”

Sunday, 12/10

9 & 11AM


“Good News of Unspeakable Joy”

Sunday, 12/17

9 & 11AM


“Good News of Unconditional Love”

Sunday, 12/24

9 & 11AM

Come celebrate Jesus’ arrival with us at one of our candlelight Christmas Eve services.

Our services are for the whole family, so we encourage parents to bring their kids into worship and we’ll have children’s ministry available for kids in 3rd grade and under.